In this age of unprecedented information technology and explosion, one can literally be inundated by the mass of information that swirls around us. But what use is information if it is not carefully analyzed, scrutinized, reflected upon, and the best use made of what portion of it is relevant? Welcome to the official website of the Central Ghana Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We belong to a community of faith that takes particular notice of everything that goes on in our world. And we are highly interested in disseminating information, but not just any kind of information. In our community of faith we have a mission focus that guides and directs us as to the particular information to spread around. As people with a peculiarly high interest in the study of Bible Prophecy and its interpretation, our responsibility as Bible students is largely defined and delineated by Christ’s mandate as stated in Matthew24:14, 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, as well as Revelation 14:6-12. We are a people who see ourselves as men, women, and children called and commissioned by our Great Creator to spread around the good news of the great salvation that has been put in place for all mankind through the ultimate, vicarious sacrifice of Christ. Therefore, the bulk of the information that we seek to spread around centers on the unfathomable love of God for man and the wonderful plan that He has made for our redemption from the curse of sin, and it is to this very purpose that this webpage is dedicated. We believe strongly that time is running out. Every opportunity to renew and strengthen our connection with Christ and thus experience revival and reformation in our lives cannot and should not be overlooked. Every day is to be carefully used to make ourselves ready for the soon-coming King. May the information we share together at this website contribute immensely in focusing our attention on getting ourselves and others ready for the day of our LORD’s appearing.