Pastor Kofi Gyimah Yamoah. Born on the 18th March, 1960 at Agona in the Ashanti Region. He began as a certificated teacher and was admitted into Valley View University, Oyibi, Accra in 1998 and successfully completed in Bachelor of Arts in Theology, May 2002. He joined the Gospel Ministry in July 1, 2002 and attained his Master’s Degree in Missions, June, 2014, Adventist University of Africa, Kenya. Pastor Kofi Gyimah Yamoah is married to one (1) wife and blessed with two (2) children. He has worked in the following areas: Sekyedumase as Acting District Pastor, Dadieso as District Pastor, Kofiase as Headmaster & Chaplain and Asuoyeboa as District Pastor. He has also served as Global Mission/Adventist Muslim Relations Director and is now the current Executive secretary for the 2016-2020 quadrennial session.